Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Final Reflection!

These are my final thoughts on this semester click on the link above, hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Mireylla,

    I like how your background picture flows with the colors you chose fot the background of your blog posts, well done. It looks like you are missing some of the required information, such as the interviews and the letters of inquiry. On your local essay, you forgot to choose a date at the bottom of the title page. You have some great statistics and facts in your research essays. I'm not sure if having links to all of the documents is the most efficient idea but it works. Also, your playlist is not a hyperlink so if someone wanted to listen to it they would have to copy and paste it into a browser, it would be easier if it was a hyperlink. overall for what you have on your blog, you did a great job! Thanks for letting me look!
